Dr. Denton and Michelle Weiss


Denton and Michelle have lived in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia for 14 years. Their years with the military afforded them the opportunity to live and travel around the country and world. Together they have built the Virginia Beach Surgery Center. As a team they are acutely aware that their gifts and talents are to be used for the greater good.

Because their everyday work involves both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery, they understand beauty encompasses the whole person and the world in which we live. Whether they are reconstructing the face of a burned child or digging a well in Haiti, their goal is to help others reach their full potential.

Through the help and guidance of our board members, the Bella Vitae Foundation provides the opportunity for many to make a difference in the lives of others.

Our Mission

The mission of the Bella Vitae Foundation is to promote, defend and serve the human person in ways that enable them to live more beautiful lives.

Beautiful Living

We promote beautiful living by embracing the entirety of the human person: mind, body and soul. The foundation supports the arts, strives for the advancement of human culture, and most importantly provides services to the human person.